About John

“My life didn’t please me so I created my life” – Coco Chanel

The above sentiment epitomizes my life and career experiences. During my 20’s, I found myself faced with potential homelessness, and maybe worse. One day, I gathered up my courage, put on my thrift store suit, and began knocking on doors looking for work. I stopped at a hectic financial services firm, and somehow managed to blurt out my request. You may have guessed how this turned out … I got the job!

The social services agency sponsoring me provided assistance that allowed me to sit for a series of exams in order to become an investment banker. One of the biggest highlights of my professional career was not just passing the exams, but the letter I received from the agency sponsoring me. In the final paragraph of the letter were these five words- “We are proud of you.” I have to admit, I lost it … The power of those simple words transformed my life, and in many ways has shaped the person I am still becoming.

I went on to create highly successful careers in investment banking, organization development, training and facilitation, healthcare leadership, and human resources, and served in three diverse C-suite roles—as Chief Financial Officer, Chief Human Capital Officer, and Chief Executive Officer. During that time, I have experienced—and have been—a narcissistic, demanding, ego-driven and self-serving leader. I also experienced—and became—a thoughtful, caring, empathetic, and results-driven leader.

Becoming a Leadership Activist

I did not always believe in coaching. In fact, I was often dismissive when others would bring up the topic of coaching either for me or as an organizational offering. Quite honestly, I saw coaching as a touchy-feely exercise that offered very little actual value. In the end it was not the data and science that convinced me. It was the results. As part of my professional development, I was fortunate to have a great coach. Why was he great? He helped me get results. My entire approach to leadership was turned on its head. My assumptions were challenged, my perspectives questioned, my motivations pulled apart and put back together as my belief system shifted.

Today, I work with leaders who want to

My coaching is not for everyone—it is deep, intensive, and transformative

I believe in giving back. When called upon I offer my services to military veterans and their spouses who are returning to the civilian workforce. When I am not coaching you can find me at my home in the Finger Lakes region of New York. I might be in my garden, playing guitar, out on the open road riding my Harley, hiking the trails in the forests surrounding my home and enjoying the life I have created for my family and me.

My clients are successful leaders from all walks of life, including C-suite Executives, Physician Executives, Social Media Influencers, Entrepreneurs, Elected Officials, and Community-based Activists/Leaders. Regardless of your successes, failures, doubts, or hopes, the smallest shift can change everything. EVERYTHING.

If you are ready for what’s next, please complete this application and I will personally get back to you.